Comparison of Titles Won by David Pate and Other Tennis Stars

How does David Pate compare with other great tennis players? Career information about titles won including totals, how many times they were champions in Grand Slam tournaments and more.

David Pate - Titles Comparison:

( players sorted by last name )

- A -

David Pate vs José Acasuso

David Pate vs Andre Agassi

David Pate vs Ronald Agénor

David Pate vs Juan Aguilera

David Pate vs Karim Alami

David Pate vs Radu Albot

David Pate vs Carlos Alcaraz

David Pate vs Nicolás Almagro

David Pate vs Mario Ančić

David Pate vs Kevin Anderson

David Pate vs Igor Andreev

David Pate vs Pablo Andújar

David Pate vs Paul Annacone

David Pate vs Jimmy Arias

David Pate vs Jordi Arrese

David Pate vs Félix Auger-Aliassime

- B -

David Pate vs Sebastián Báez

David Pate vs Marcos Baghdatis

David Pate vs Mirza Bašić

David Pate vs Nikoloz Basilashvili

David Pate vs Mike Bauer

David Pate vs Roberto Bautista Agut

David Pate vs Benjamin Becker

David Pate vs Boris Becker

David Pate vs Thomaz Bellucci

David Pate vs Alberto Berasategui

David Pate vs Tomáš Berdych

David Pate vs Jay Berger

David Pate vs Zizou Bergs

David Pate vs Carlos Berlocq

David Pate vs Matteo Berrettini

David Pate vs Jonas Björkman

David Pate vs Byron Black

David Pate vs James Blake

David Pate vs Arnaud Boetsch

David Pate vs Benjamin Bonzi

David Pate vs Björn Borg

David Pate vs Nuno Borges

David Pate vs Daniele Bracciali

David Pate vs Sergi Bruguera

David Pate vs Alexander Bublik

- C -

David Pate vs Pedro Cachin

David Pate vs Darren Cahill

David Pate vs Agustín Calleri

David Pate vs Guillermo Cañas

David Pate vs Francesco Cancellotti

David Pate vs Paolo Canè

David Pate vs Roberto Carballés

David Pate vs Kenneth Carlsen

David Pate vs Kent Carlsson

David Pate vs Pablo Carreño Busta

David Pate vs Pat Cash

David Pate vs Marco Cecchinato

David Pate vs Francisco Cerúndolo

David Pate vs Juan Manuel Cerúndolo

David Pate vs Michael Chang

David Pate vs Jérémy Chardy

David Pate vs Juan Ignacio Chela

David Pate vs Andrei Cherkasov

David Pate vs Andrei Chesnokov

David Pate vs Marin Cilic

David Pate vs Francisco Clavet

David Pate vs Arnaud Clément

David Pate vs José Luis Clerc

David Pate vs Jimmy Connors

David Pate vs Guillermo Coria

David Pate vs Borna Coric

David Pate vs Àlex Corretja

David Pate vs Albert Costa

David Pate vs Carlos Costa

David Pate vs Jim Courier

David Pate vs Maxime Cressy

David Pate vs Pablo Cuevas

David Pate vs Kevin Curren

- D -

David Pate vs Taro Daniel

David Pate vs Steve Darcis

David Pate vs Luciano Darderi

David Pate vs Franco Davín

David Pate vs Marty Davis

David Pate vs Scott Davis

David Pate vs Nikolay Davydenko

David Pate vs Horacio de la Peña

David Pate vs Alex de Minaur

David Pate vs Juan Martín del Potro

David Pate vs Federico Delbonis

David Pate vs Taylor Dent

David Pate vs Steve Denton

David Pate vs Facundo Díaz

David Pate vs Grigor Dimitrov

David Pate vs Laslo Djere

David Pate vs Novak Djokovic

David Pate vs Ivan Dodig

David Pate vs Alexandr Dolgopolov

David Pate vs Slava Doseděl

David Pate vs Jack Draper

David Pate vs Brad Drewett

David Pate vs Damir Džumhur

- E -

David Pate vs Stefan Edberg

David Pate vs Kyle Edmund

David Pate vs Younes El Aynaoui

David Pate vs Jacco Eltingh

David Pate vs Thomas Enqvist

David Pate vs Nicolas Escudé

David Pate vs Víctor Estrella

David Pate vs Tomás Etcheverry

David Pate vs Christopher Eubanks

David Pate vs Dan Evans

David Pate vs Kelly Evernden

- F -

David Pate vs Roger Federer

David Pate vs Wayne Ferreira

David Pate vs David Ferrer

David Pate vs Juan Carlos Ferrero

David Pate vs Marcelo Filippini

David Pate vs Jaime Fillol

David Pate vs Arthur Fils

David Pate vs Mardy Fish

David Pate vs John Fitzgerald

David Pate vs Fabio Fognini

David Pate vs Guy Forget

David Pate vs Javier Frana

David Pate vs Taylor Fritz

David Pate vs Richard Fromberg

David Pate vs Márton Fucsovics

David Pate vs Renzo Furlan

- G -

David Pate vs Jan-Michael Gambill

David Pate vs Guillermo García López

David Pate vs Cristian Garín

David Pate vs Richard Gasquet

David Pate vs Andrea Gaudenzi

David Pate vs Gastón Gaudio

David Pate vs Vitas Gerulaitis

David Pate vs Brad Gilbert

David Pate vs Robby Ginepri

David Pate vs Marcos Giron

David Pate vs Shlomo Glickstein

David Pate vs David Goffin

David Pate vs Peter Gojowczyk

David Pate vs Jérôme Golmard

David Pate vs Andrey Golubev

David Pate vs Andrés Gómez

David Pate vs Fernando González

David Pate vs Jim Grabb

David Pate vs Marcel Granollers

David Pate vs Tallon Griekspoor

David Pate vs Sébastien Grosjean

David Pate vs Ernests Gulbis

David Pate vs Magnus Gustafsson

- H -

David Pate vs Tommy Haas

David Pate vs Robin Haase

David Pate vs Victor Hănescu

David Pate vs Ryan Harrison

David Pate vs Tim Henman

David Pate vs Lleyton Hewitt

David Pate vs José Higueras

David Pate vs Jakob Hlasek

David Pate vs Luis Horna

David Pate vs Dominik Hrbatý

David Pate vs Ugo Humbert

David Pate vs Hubert Hurkacz

David Pate vs Marc-Andrea Hüsler

- I -

David Pate vs Andrew Ilie

David Pate vs John Isner

David Pate vs Denis Istomin

David Pate vs Goran Ivanišević

David Pate vs Ilya Ivashka

- J -

David Pate vs Martín Jaite

David Pate vs Nicolás Jarry

David Pate vs Anders Järryd

David Pate vs Joachim Johansson

David Pate vs Thomas Johansson

David Pate vs Steve Johnson

- K -

David Pate vs Yevgeny Kafelnikov

David Pate vs Aslan Karatsev

David Pate vs Ivo Karlovic

David Pate vs Miomir Kecmanović

David Pate vs Karen Khachanov

David Pate vs Nicolas Kiefer

David Pate vs Martin Kližan

David Pate vs Philipp Kohlschreiber

David Pate vs Thanasi Kokkinakis

David Pate vs Petr Korda

David Pate vs Sebastian Korda

David Pate vs Stefan Koubek

David Pate vs Aleksandar Kovacevic

David Pate vs Richard Krajicek

David Pate vs Aaron Krickstein

David Pate vs Johan Kriek

David Pate vs Ramesh Krishnan

David Pate vs Ján Krošlák

David Pate vs Karol Kučera

David Pate vs Gustavo Kuerten

David Pate vs Mikhail Kukushkin

David Pate vs Nicklas Kulti

David Pate vs Igor Kunitsyn

David Pate vs Nick Kyrgios

- L -

David Pate vs Dušan Lajović

David Pate vs Nicolás Lapentti

David Pate vs Magnus Larsson

David Pate vs Leonardo Lavalle

David Pate vs Henri Leconte

David Pate vs Jiří Lehečka

David Pate vs Ivan Lendl

David Pate vs Chris Lewis

David Pate vs Ivan Ljubičić

David Pate vs Michaël Llodra

David Pate vs Juan Ignacio Londero

David Pate vs Feliciano López

David Pate vs Paolo Lorenzi

David Pate vs Peter Lundgren

- M -

David Pate vs Nicolas Mahut

David Pate vs Xavier Malisse

David Pate vs Alberto Mancini

David Pate vs Adrian Mannarino

David Pate vs Amos Mansdorf

David Pate vs Félix Mantilla

David Pate vs Alberto Martín

David Pate vs Todd Martin

David Pate vs Mario Martinez

David Pate vs Pedro Martínez

David Pate vs Nicolás Massú

David Pate vs Wally Masur

David Pate vs Paul-Henri Mathieu

David Pate vs Luiz Mattar

David Pate vs Florian Mayer

David Pate vs Gene Mayer

David Pate vs Leonardo Mayer

David Pate vs Tim Mayotte

David Pate vs John McEnroe

David Pate vs Paul McNamee

David Pate vs Miloslav Mecir

David Pate vs Hamad Medjedovic

David Pate vs Andrei Medvedev

David Pate vs Daniil Medvedev

David Pate vs Fernando Meligeni

David Pate vs Jürgen Melzer

David Pate vs Alex Michelsen

David Pate vs John Millman

David Pate vs Juan Mónaco

David Pate vs Gaël Monfils

David Pate vs Álbert Montañés

David Pate vs Carlos Moyá

David Pate vs Giovanni Mpetshi Perricard

David Pate vs Alexandre Müller

David Pate vs Gilles Müller

David Pate vs Andy Murray

David Pate vs Lorenzo Musetti

David Pate vs Thomas Muster

- N -

David Pate vs Rafael Nadal

David Pate vs Brandon Nakashima

David Pate vs David Nalbandian

David Pate vs Ilie Nastase

David Pate vs Jarkko Nieminen

David Pate vs Kei Nishikori

David Pate vs Yoshihito Nishioka

David Pate vs Yannick Noah

David Pate vs Magnus Norman

David Pate vs Cameron Norrie

David Pate vs Karel Nováček

David Pate vs Jiří Novák

David Pate vs Joakim Nyström

- O -

David Pate vs Andrei Olhovskiy

David Pate vs Jaime Oncins

David Pate vs Reilly Opelka

David Pate vs Manuel Orantes

- P -

David Pate vs Benoît Paire

David Pate vs Tommy Paul

David Pate vs Andrei Pavel

David Pate vs Víctor Pecci

David Pate vs Guido Pella

David Pate vs Guillermo Pérez Roldán

David Pate vs Mikael Pernfors

David Pate vs Philipp Petzschner

David Pate vs Hank Pfister

David Pate vs Mark Philippoussis

David Pate vs Cédric Pioline

David Pate vs Alexei Popyrin

David Pate vs Albert Portas

David Pate vs Lucas Pouille

David Pate vs David Prinosil

David Pate vs Mariano Puerta

David Pate vs Mel Purcell

- Q -

David Pate vs Sam Querrey

- R -

David Pate vs Patrick Rafter

David Pate vs Rajeev Ram

David Pate vs Albert Ramos Viñolas

David Pate vs Milos Raonic

David Pate vs Pedro Rebolledo

David Pate vs Richey Reneberg

David Pate vs Marcelo Ríos

David Pate vs Tommy Robredo

David Pate vs Olivier Rochus

David Pate vs Andy Roddick

David Pate vs Lukáš Rosol

David Pate vs Marc Rosset

David Pate vs Andrey Rublev

David Pate vs Holger Rune

David Pate vs Greg Rusedski

David Pate vs Casper Ruud

- S -

David Pate vs Christian Saceanu

David Pate vs John Sadri

David Pate vs Marat Safin

David Pate vs Pete Sampras

David Pate vs David Sánchez

David Pate vs Emilio Sánchez Vicario

David Pate vs Javier Sánchez Vicario

David Pate vs Tennys Sandgren

David Pate vs Davide Sanguinetti

David Pate vs Fabrice Santoro

David Pate vs Sjeng Schalken

David Pate vs Rainer Schüttler

David Pate vs Diego Schwartzman

David Pate vs Andreas Seppi

David Pate vs Florent Serra

David Pate vs Thiago Seyboth Wild

David Pate vs Juncheng Shang

David Pate vs Denis Shapovalov

David Pate vs Ben Shelton

David Pate vs Bryan Shelton

David Pate vs Jan Siemerink

David Pate vs Gilles Simon

David Pate vs Jannik Sinner

David Pate vs Horst Skoff

David Pate vs Pavel Složil

David Pate vs Jack Sock

David Pate vs Robin Söderling

David Pate vs Harold Solomon

David Pate vs Lorenzo Sonego

David Pate vs Kwon Soon-woo

David Pate vs João Sousa

David Pate vs Franco Squillari

David Pate vs Paradorn Srichaphan

David Pate vs Sergiy Stakhovsky

David Pate vs Jonathan Stark

David Pate vs Carl-Uwe Steeb

David Pate vs Radek Stepanek

David Pate vs Michael Stich

David Pate vs Jason Stoltenberg

David Pate vs Jan-Lennard Struff

David Pate vs Yūichi Sugita

David Pate vs Henrik Sundström

David Pate vs Jonas Svensson

David Pate vs Ryan Sweeting

- T -

David Pate vs Alejandro Tabilo

David Pate vs Jeff Tarango

David Pate vs Brian Teacher

David Pate vs Dominic Thiem

David Pate vs Jordan Thompson

David Pate vs Frances Tiafoe

David Pate vs Janko Tipsarević

David Pate vs Bernard Tomic

David Pate vs Viktor Troicki

David Pate vs Stefanos Tsitsipas

David Pate vs Jo-Wilfried Tsonga

David Pate vs Thierry Tulasne

David Pate vs Dmitry Tursunov

- U -

David Pate vs Bohdan Ulihrach

- V -

David Pate vs Marián Vajda

David Pate vs Christo van Rensburg

David Pate vs Tim van Rijthoven

David Pate vs Robert Van't Hof

David Pate vs Fernando Verdasco

David Pate vs Martin Verkerk

David Pate vs Jiří Veselý

David Pate vs Fernando Vicente

David Pate vs Guillermo Vilas

David Pate vs Filippo Volandri

David Pate vs Alexander Volkov

- W -

David Pate vs MaliVai Washington

David Pate vs Stan Wawrinka

David Pate vs David Wheaton

David Pate vs Mats Wilander

David Pate vs Todd Woodbridge

David Pate vs Mark Woodforde

David Pate vs Chris Woodruff

- Y -

David Pate vs Wu Yibing

David Pate vs Mikhail Youzhny

David Pate vs Jaime Yzaga

- Z -

David Pate vs Mariano Zabaleta

David Pate vs Horacio Zeballos

David Pate vs Slobodan Zivojinovic

David Pate vs Alexander Zverev

David Pate vs Mischa Zverev