Rio Open: Titles by Player, All Men's Singles Champions
On this page you will find the complete list of Rio Open men's singles champions, highlighting the players who have won the most titles throughout the history of this tennis tournament. Details about each champion are also provided, including the total number of titles won, the years in which they achieved their victories and the opponents they defeated in the finals.
Some stats about the champions
The 10 men's singles finals played at the Rio Open were won by 10 different players. Nobody won the tournament twice.
Total Champions | Only 1 Title | 2 or More Titles | 5 or More Titles |
10 | 10 players | 0 players | 0 players |
All the champions
Below you have the complete list of the men's singles champions that this tournament has had.
Rio Open: Titles by Player, All Men's Singles Champions
Titles / Years